Monday 9 May 2016

Kelvin Griffin - Signs That Your Child is a Visual Learner

Kelvin Griffin is a trained educational professional who works in the Georgia School District. Though professionals like Kelvin Griffin work hard to personalize teaching to each student, you must know your child and how he or she learns. Children can learn in several different ways, but one of the most common ways is visually. Visual learners work best with letters, workbooks, reading, movies, posters, flash cards and graphs, and knowing if your child is a visual learner can help you be a better teacher and parent. The following traits are common in visual learners:
  • Enjoys decorating or organizing learning areas. Your child might be a visual learner if he or she is always decorating or organizing the home learning area. Visual learners try to make their learning space visually-pleasing so that they can focus and feel happy when they’re being taught new things.
  • Desires a presentation when something is being described. Visual learners often zone out if you’re telling them something without a presentation. For example, if you have the best success teaching your child if you draw a picture, you might have a visual learner on your hands.
  • Remembers pictures and printed content. Your child might be a visual learner if he or she remembers pictures and printed content above all other things. Visual learners have an easier time committing something to memory if it is visually stimulating.
  • Enjoys visual arts. Visual learners often enjoy drawing, coloring, photography, cartoons, movies and other visual arts above all else. Even if these interests don’t pertain directly to learning, they’re reliable indicators.
Once you have identified how your child learns, consider speaking to the principal or teachers at the school. Professionals like Kelvin Griffin are always open to listening so that they can better craft your child’s schooling for success.