Wednesday 18 May 2016

Kelvin Griffin - Tips to Encourage Your Children to Exercise

Kelvin Griffin has worked with children in the State of Georgia school district for decades. He also leads a healthy, active life and encourages students to do the same. Exercise is valued by educational professionals like Kelvin Griffin because it reduces your children’s risks of being overweight and it improves their abilities to focus in school. The following tips can help motivate even the most resistant children to exercise on a regular basis:

Limit technology time. In modern society, limiting TV time isn’t enough. You need to limit how often your children use technology in general unless you want them spending the average of seven to eight hours per day in front of a screen. This includes phones, tablets, computers and any other screens. A limit of one or two hours a day will encourage your children to do other activities like ride bicycles or play ball.

Be a role model. Inactive parents will do nothing but frustrate their children if they tell them to exercise. Before you begin to change your children’s activity levels, start exercising yourself. Exercise where your children can see you and, with luck, they’ll save you work by asking to join in. Seeing parents doing something is highly motivating to children.

Make the activity fun. Exercise must be fun regardless of your age if you want to stick with it. This means that you should find activities like dancing, bike riding together or playing soccer so that your children have fun while they exercise. They’re far more likely to lead active lives this way than if they are forced to do pushups and run for miles.

Speak with a professional like Kelvin Griffin in your children’s schools and with their health-care provider about helping them become more active. These professionals will give you advice and warnings to help you best care for your children’s wellbeing.