Monday 20 June 2016

Kelvin Griffin - Preparing Students For An ACT or SAT Exam

Kelvin Griffin has worked in many different positions in many different school systems. While working with high school students, he became aware of the stress they experience when they take the ACT or SAT exam for college. He believes that helping these students prepare for these tests ahead of time can help them. Here are some tips for helping to prepare your students for these exams.
Offer A Class
If you want to make sure your students do their best on the SAT or ACT exam, you may want to offer classes that will show them what to expect and how to test properly. These classes show students how to take their time on questions and feel out the answer sheets properly.

Practice Tests
There are many practice tests that teachers can print out and share with students. Practice tests help students become more familiar with the testing process and how to feel out the answer. It can also make them more confident when it comes time to take the real test.

Students know they need to study for their college entrance exams, but it may be up to their teachers to make sure they are studying the right things and have plenty of time to study. If you know your students will be testing soon, devote a few minutes out of each class to studying for the test.

Kelvin Griffin has helped prepare many students for ACT and SAT exams. He knows that students who are prepared for these tests tend to score higher and get into better colleges. Make sure your students are ready for their college entrance exams.